How do you get rid of body fat? Fitness trainer Mark Twight shaped and molded the male actors for that film “300” by challenging them both physically and mentally. That’s the kind of fat burning routine that rips you into shape.
The exercise system called for a variety of workouts to whip them into shape in what may seem to have been a haphazard method when viewed from an outsider’s vantage point. He was able to get a variety of body types, from the athletic build to the chunky guy into the best shape of their lives. The fitness program was distilled at the end of the training into a test to display their abilities. These guys felt like real Spartans when the filming was done.
The PR folks came up with the idea of the name “300 Workout” named for the regimen rather than the training program itself. 300 not only referred to the movie title but also the number of repetitions to be performed through nonstop sequence of exercises. The number of repetitions in the 300 workout test encompassed six exercises starting with pull-ups.
At the closing months of the training program, the 300 workout test took form as 17 members of the cast and crew took up the challenge. This was the pinnacle of the program to demonstrate both physical and mental toughness. No one jumped into this challenge without going through many months of training under the watchful eye of Mark Twight.
The 300 workout test is actually very simple in concept:
1. Start with 25 pull-ups.
2. Move onto deadlifts using 135 pounds. Perform 50 reps.
3. Next move onto 50 push-ups.
4. Perform box jumps on a 24 inch platform 50 times without rest.
5. Lay on the floor with a 135 pound weight and perform for wipers 50 times alternating from side to side.
6. Next is the single arm clean and press using a 36 pound Kettlebell. Perform 25 reps per arm.
7. Finish off with 25 pull-ups and you’re done.
Remember, there is no rest in between these exercises; you are performing them as quickly as you can. I took the challenge to begin training for the 300 workout by producing the over the Hill version.
If you wish to get your body in shape and perform these exercises within 6 to 9 months, this training program may help you get into Spartan fitness.
You’re going to need to learn how to perform pull-ups efficiently so I recommend starting with standing lat pull downs. These will get your shoulders, back, forearms and wrists into shape.
You also need to perform bicep curls to increase strength for the pull-up. Put into practice squats, lunges and deadlifts to increase your leg and back strength. You’re going to be working both lower back and upper back and your trapezius muscles in many of these exercises. If you suffer from low back pain, I recommend lots of stretching and a balanced lower back and abdominal workout to strengthen that area. I also recommend the 100 push-ups program to gradually increase your core as well as just shoulders and triceps. There is nothing like more push-ups to help you learn how to do push-ups in greater numbers.
For deadlifts and floor wipers, start with lighter weights, perhaps 10 or 20 pound dumbbells. Start with a 6 inch platform for your box jumps and work your way up to 12 inches, 18 inches than 24 inches over time.
Kettlebell’s offer demanding workouts so using the Kettlebell in a variety of exercises 2 to 3 times a week will definitely offer strength gains, flexibility and endurance. As you practice a variety of exercises 3 to 4 times a week gradually increase your intensity.
You’ll find that within 6 to 9 months, you will not only develop excellent musculature, you’ll be able to effectively perform the 300 workout test. Just keep in mind that it is important to work progressively to avoid injury and arrests properly between workouts to allow your body to recover for the next challenge. Start your mini tests as you become more fit; perform 100 reps, then 200, then 300.
Just like training for a marathon begins with walking and running, the 300 workout test is the culmination of your efforts. Go ahead and try this program to see if you can get in shape by the end of the year. You can learn more about the 300 workout test and the various methods involved in attaining completion. Go to my website and join the challenge.