While people may experience different symptoms associated with headaches, there are many commonalities. Headaches can cause minor or severe pain and are identified as several different types.
Headaches are generally a pain in the head, between the eyes and often across the forehead and behind the eyes. A dull, aching pain is associated with headaches along with weariness, slight to severe fatigue and difficulty concentrating.
The most common headache is the tension headache. Symptoms of a tension headache vary among people, but most tension headaches cause pain in the front, sides and top of the head and sometimes in all of those areas. The pain associated with tension headaches is described as throbbing and constant and can be mild or moderate. Tension headaches are very common and most people report that tension headaches are more likely to occur in the middle of day and can last as little as a few minutes or half hour up to several days.
Tension headaches can present symptoms on and off and ranging in severity. If a person is presenting these types of symptoms more often and over a prolonged period of time, it can be identified as chronic tension headaches. The pain from chronic tension headaches gradually increases throughout the day and comes in waves of severity. If a person is experiencing this type of pain associated with headaches, it is often interfering with normal everyday routines and ability to concentrate. People with headache symptoms for more than half the days in a month are identified as chronic tension headache sufferers.
Moving from the general symptoms of headaches like dull, throbbing pain across the head in a band-like form, people can also have headache pain that causes more troublesome consequences. Other pain from tension headaches can strike upon awakening and cause one to even wake up due to throbbing head pain. Similarly, the pain can discourage sleep and cause someone to have trouble falling asleep. Concentration is affecting by this headache pain with difficulty staying focused. Symptoms also include irritability and fatigue as well as trouble looking at computer screens and televisions, a common daily occurrence in many people’s lives and workdays. Some affected by these types of headaches also report muscle aches and slight sensitivity to light.
Beyond typical symptoms of headaches like dull throbbing pain over time causing disruption in your day, headaches can escalate into a more severe type called migraines. Migraines cause acute pain behind and between the eyes, sometimes triggering nausea, sinus problems and general achy muscles. Those people affected by migraines often have severe sensitivity to light. Migraine sufferers report that being in a cool dark room can help with the symptoms of migraines.
Pain in all areas of the head and even neck are associated with migraines. They can interfere with people’s everyday tasks and often require the person to lie down and rest until the migraine passes. Over-the-counter medicines may not help relieve migraines. Often doctors will prescribe a medication to take right away or soon after the symptoms of a migraine begin. Those symptoms often come on quickly with intense pain between the eyes, an inability to focus, sensitivity to light, watery eyes and sinus pressure. Drowsiness and irritability have also been reported with migraines.
Generally, headaches present dull, aching band in a band-like fashion across the head causing mild, moderate or severe pain depending on the person. They can present many different symptoms and affect people differently, and may occur sporadically or more consistently depending on the person.