Water, amongst other fluids we take, is the best. Not even your energy drink can beat the benefits of drinking the right amount of water because you should get other minerals from your diet. Your water should do one thing – hydrate and replenish your lost fluids, especially when doing your workout routine.
What happens when you run out of fluid?
The good thing when you run low on body fluid during personal training Orlando is that you do not die right away. But things will get worse from there! So might as well drink the right amount of water before, during, and after your workout.
There are many heat illnesses that you can encounter during a personal fitness exercise, including heat cramps, heatstroke, and exhaustion. This is your body’s way of telling you that you are not doing a good job and you need to do something about it. Good news! Simply drinking water can keep you from these unfortunate circumstances.
What are the benefits of Water?
1. Body temperature regulator – having a heavy personal fitness routine or even just running on a treadmill will surely increase your body temperature and your heartbeat faster. Water can help you regulate your body and cool it down to normal temperature.
2. Lubrication – believe it or not, an optimal water intake can help you lubricate your joints. Once you drink water, your body will distribute the right amount of fluid to your body and into your joints, helping you to move better and avoid injuries.
3. Maintain concentration – when you sweat you lose fluids in your body. If it goes unchecked, you may feel nauseous. That is because you are losing oxygen and water. Drinking water helps you maintain oxygen and fluid level in your body enough to stay concentrated and focused.
4. Muscle gain – if you think a protein shake is the only way to gain muscle, you should think twice. Simply drinking water helps your body to transport and distribute nutrients needed for protein and glycogen.
How much water should I drink during a workout?
The rule of thumb is that you drink enough water not to drown yourself and vomit excessively because of too much water intake.
Everybody is unique, and we might have varying water demands considering our fitness level, our health status, and what exercise and workout routines we have on our plate. However, to give you an idea of the “right” amount of water, as per The American Council on Exercise:
– A 17 to 20 ounces of water pre-workout are good
– A glass of water half an hour before your exercise should prepare your body for sweat and muscle use.
– A 7 to 10 ounces of water throughout your exercise keeps you hydrated
– 8 ounces of water after your workout to assist your body from burning fat
Remember, water is cheap. You should not think twice about bringing a bottle of water with you everywhere you go, especially during personal training Orlando or working out. Water is an absolute solution, and it does not come with a price!